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Jonathan Foster

Director of Mental Health and Renal Programs

Windsor Regional Hospital

"I have found your work with us incredibly valuable to our program.  We have been able to make key decisions that we feel will benefit our patients and staff as we implement.  Thank you for everything."

Dr Jason Morrison

Deputy Clinical Director, Recovery and Integration Services, Attending Psychiatrist, Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program, Assistant Professor

"Change is difficult in large organizations.  Your expertise in Lean principles helped us to identify where to start to get the most improvement for our efforts.  Your assistance also helped us maintain momentum and kept our large project moving forward."

Dr. Nicholas Delva

Head, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University

Chief, Department of Psychiatry, Central Zone Nova Scotia Health Authority

"Thanks very much for your support in overhauling our system of care.  Your involvement, engagement and leadership were crucial catalysts for us."

Heather Scott

Program Director

Mental Health & Addictions

Niagara Health System

"Your assistance and expertise clearly saved us countless hours and we now have a very thoughtful and planned course of action that most importantly will positively impact the care we provide to our patients.  The service provided exceeded our expectations and we are truly thankful."

Dr. Sujay Patel

Medical Director

Regional Specialized Mental Health Program

Grand River Hospital

Freeport Site

"Thank you for your help to understand and navigate the complex systemic barriers in our health care system.  This allowed us to demonstrate the cost-effective metrics that led to sustainable funding for our innovative community based mental health program."

Sara Kirkup

Patient Care Manager

Community Mental Health Programs

The Scarborough Hospital

"Your assistance with launching one of our Mental Health Programs using LEAN methodology has transformed us to a new, highly efficient level of functioning.  Particularly impressive was your focus and commitment to us.  I recall the full day spent doing a GEMBA which resulted in some Quick Fixes.  Thank-you for guiding us on our journey to innovative practices!"

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